

The Fer-de-lance (Bothrops asper) is Costa Rica’s most notorious poisonous snake. I have only seen this pit viper species once, and it was during my most recent visit to Costa Rica. The good people at La Tarde knew where this one had staked out a place on the rainforest floor. We took a night hike to find it, and used our flashlights to illuminate it for this photograph.

All media is copyright costaricawildlife.net, 2013.

Emerald Toucanet

Emerald Toucanet

Emerald Toucanets (Aulacorhynchus prasinus) are smaller than their Toucan cousins, and have their own bright feather and bill patterns. This one was photographed in the upper valley of Costa Rica’s Savegre River, and it’s the only snapshot I’ve managed to capture of the species. I particularly like the color of this bird’s dark blue throat.

All media is copyright costaricawildlife.net, 2013.